Sunday, 8 June 2014

Why We Need More Powerful Multinational Corporations

Why we need more powerful Multinational Corporations

(But only after we make some changes in them)

Presenter: Professor William H. Starbuck (Professor emeritus at New York University and Courtesy professor-in-residence at the Lundquist College of Business of the University of Oregon)

The world faces very serious challenges and existing social institutions have been unable to address these challenges effectively. There is need for more powerful institutions that can cross national boundaries and act rather speedily and with purpose. The corporation is the most effective organizational form that mankind has created, and it is possible for corporations to counteract and compensate for some of the deficiencies of governments. However, we dare not give more power to corporations in their present form. We need to reformulate the concept of corporation so as to moderate corporations’ propensity for sociopathic behavior. Is it possible to make corporations more beneficial without undercutting their advantages?

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